By: N.G., N.G. and H.S. -YEAR 6A
👻The magnets👻
This new post is about the north and south magnets.
We are going to share with you what the north and sud magnets are.
🧐What produces a magnetic field?🤔
The magnetic field is not visible but it is responsible for magnets attracting or repelling various materials. Those that are strongly attracted by a magnet have great
magnetic permeability such as iron and some types of steel and are called ferromagnetic materials.
🤨What is a magnet made of?🤔
The magnets are materials that are composed of magnetos.
🤫What produces a magnet and its poles?🤪
The two poles of a magnet are the two extremes where are going to be the strongest magnetics . The same poles repel and the different ones attract each other.
Photo : Flaticon |
😼The poles😎
They repel when two equal poles meet .
They attrac when two different poles approach each other .
We hope you liked it ! 🎀♥️💜