By: I.S. y C. B. - YEAR 5A
8th March celebrates the achievements of women and seeks gender equality. IWD is a global holiday celebrated annualy. 
The important day on the women's rights movement,aims at bringing  attention to gender equality,reproductive rights and violence against women.
Women's Day Symbol is the Venus female symbol: a circle with a cross handle.


International Women`s Day is celebrated on 8th March.

 Important women in the world of inventors

Martha Castor: made signal flares.

Mary Anderson: wiper washer.

Ada Lovelace: first computer algorithm.

Yvonne Brill: made propulsion sattelite.

You can research other important women inventors...

 An interesting survey on gender differences

Here we present some interesting information about 5th and 6th grade. We did a survey to the students asking them only one simple question:

What's the name of your  pediatrician?

When their doctor was a man, 6 in total, the answers:

50% of the students just said the name (christian name)

33% used the name and surname 

16% used the word Doctor and surname

When their doctor was a woman, 27 in total, the answers: 

70% of the students just said the name (christian name)

29% used the name and surname 

0% used the word Doctor and surname 


Most of their pediatricians are women, however, not one is called Doctor.

We have to change this to have more gender equality.